Helen Ng's Soft & Human Skills ePortfolio
L3 student, Electrical Engineering, INP-ENSEEIHT
Leadership and Management
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
Project - (Name a project/lesson/experience that shows the development of communication skills)
- give a short description of the project and how it relates to this skill
- select images (preferably real life photos)
- create a link (Read More button) to a new page that shows the project in detail
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
Project - (Name a project/lesson/experience that shows the development of self-awareness)
- give a short description of the project and how it relates to self-awareness
- select images (preferably real life photos)
- create a link (Read More button) to a new page that shows the project in detail
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
Oral Communication
Project - (Name a project/lesson/experience that shows your engagement in teamwork)
- give a short description of the project and how it relates to teamwork
- select images (preferably real life photos)
- create a link (Read More button) to a new page that shows the project in detail
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
Teamwork &
Project Management
Project - (Name a project/lesson/experience that shows the development of project management skills)
- give a short description of the project and how it relates to this skill
- select images (preferably real life photos)
- create a link (Read More button) to a new page that shows the project in detail